1、电影《当幸福来敲门的》的片尾曲是《A Fathers Way》。
I build a fence around,you in a fathers way
I try to feel what it is youll be going through
Co’s I’ve played many ways
When you grow, how much will it take to slow you down…
Half the way?Do my best to feed you and I do whats right
I try to find the words that Ill say to you
When you come home tonight,And if so, how hard will
we cry before our sound,Fades away?
One day when the fence is not so high
The road you took How far will you go?
How high will you climb? And when all in life’s unfair
Are you strong enough to find another way, find another way
find another way? find another way? find another way?
A Father’s way I build a fence around
you in a father’s way Just like the one who
used to preach to me Now I’ve become that way
But you know How soft now the hand that used to strike
To the heart One day when the fence is not so high
The road you took How far will you go?
How high will you climb? And when all in life’s unfair
Are you strong enough to find another way, find another way
to find another way, find another way find another way? find another way? find another way?
There’s no way You will stay
There’s no way I know you There’s no way
You will stay There’s no way
I know you There’s no way
You will stay There’s no way
I build a fence around you in a father’s way
电话:173 1266 2225
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