1、《I Will Love You》歌词如下:
Oh let me fold
Oh let me fold into you
Feel the weight of your skin
Itll be the one place to hide
When nobody cant get it
Think you like it in my arms
Dont let your head decide who we are
I think Ive found all I can wish for
And then some
I will love you I will love you
Until the blood all leaves these hands
Dont you let us dont you let us
Close to an early grave
Give me a lifetime
And then 15 more to find the words
That will explain
How I need you how I see you
How you are everything that I have
You are the fire to my thoughts
The spark that starts it all
And with your eyes you can move me to your
Worlds fall apart
You die before I do
I know that heartache
Will kill me too
So if I ever live again be to find you
Where I can love you
I will love you
Until the blood all leaves these hands
Dont you let us dont you let us
Close to an early grave
Give me a lifetime
And then 15 more to find the words
That will explain
How I need you how I see you
How you are everything that I have
So if you die before I do
I know that heartache
Will kill me too
So if I ever live again
It will be to find you
Where I will love you I will love you
Until the blood all leaves these hands
Dont you let us dont you let us
Close to an early grave
Give me a lifetime
And then 15 more to find the words
Never will explain
How I need you how I see you
How you are everything that I have
How I need you how I see you
How you are everything that I have
How you are everything that I have
2、《I Will Love You》是Gin Wigmore演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《Blood To Bone》。

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