1、Hello, its me,I was wondering if after all these years youd like to meet.To go over everything.They say that times supposed to heal ya but I aint done much healing.Hello, can you hear me,Im in California dreaming about who we used to be.When we were younger and free,Ive forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet.Theres such a difference between usAnd a million miles.Hello from the other side,I mustve called a thousand times to tell you.Im sorry, for everything that Ive done,But when I call you never seem to be home.Hello from the outside,At least I can say that Ive tried to tell you.Im sorry, for breaking your heart,But it dont matter,it clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore,Hello, how are you.Its so typical of me to talk about myself,Im sorry, I hope that youre well.Did you ever make it out of that town,Where nothing ever happened.Its no secret,That the both of us are running out of time.So hello from the other side,I mustve called a thousand times to tell you.Im sorry,for everything that Ive done,But when I call you never seem to be home.Hello from the outside,At least I can say that Ive tried to tell you.Im sorry, for breaking your heart,But it dont matter.it clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore,but it wont,anymore,anymore,anymore.Hello from the other side,I mustve called a thousand times,to tell you,Im sorry,for everything that Ive done.But when I call you never seem to be home.Hello from the outside,At least I can say that Ive tried,to tell you,Im sorry, for breaking your heart.But it dont matter,it clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore.

和平精英4s店在什么位置 在4S展厅里可以干什么
1、特斯拉展厅位于P城附近,玩家可以直接前往P城,还有G镇的下方。和平精英特斯拉4s店中可以获得很多的物资,玩家们只需要触发特斯拉,车门打开之后就能获得很多物资。2、玩家进入特斯拉展厅,展厅中有一辆特斯拉,玩家可以体验特斯拉载具皮肤,而且特斯拉车子中还可以获得很多的物资,运气好的情况下还可以获得98K。当然特斯拉展厅中的特斯拉载具是无法开走的,只能体验。和平精英4s店在什么位置 在4S展厅里可以干...
三华李炒猪肠如何做好吃 李子炒大肠的做法
1、用料:肥肠400克,三华李 10颗,青红椒各2个,蒜、姜、葱一颗,料酒 适量,生抽适量,老抽适量,白糖适量,盐适量。 2、洗大肠,这个很重要,用盐洗3遍,翻过来再用盐洗3遍,然后用面粉搓几分钟,再洗几遍。凉水小锅,放大肠,姜片,料酒,老抽煮熟。 3、洗李子,青红椒,葱姜蒜。拍李子,切葱姜蒜和大肠备用。 4、热锅放油,大火爆香葱姜蒜,放入大肠爆炒至大肠表面金黄,放入李子青红椒盐料酒调味,翻遍几下...
怎么轻松剥开包菜叶子 如何剥开包菜叶子
1、把包菜翻过来,用刀把包菜心挖掉。 2、放入锅中,注入开水,在挖好的洞里面。 3、盖上盖子,焖上五分钟。 4、此时,你会发现,包菜的叶子一片一片的很轻松的剥开了。 5、优质紫包菜看上去鲜艳而有光泽,而劣质包菜看上去颜色比较暗淡,并且不带光泽。怎样轻松剥开包菜叶子 怎样剥开包菜叶子...
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