The way of the great Dao is to treat the world as a community, selecting the talented and capable, advocating trustworthiness and fostering harmony. Even when people are far away, they should not be neglected. Even when officials have plans, they should not be ignored. If there is order in the world, it should not be abandoned. If there is success, it should benefit the entire world. If there is poverty, one should focus on improving oneself. Love and care for all things, aligning with human nature. Do not inflict harm when experiencing weakness, and do not become arrogant when experiencing wealth. Men should provide for their families, and women should support each other. The noble should honor guests, as it is the way of heaven. Attend to the needs of the people, as it is the way of heaven. Therefore, when the Yin dynasty was prosperous, it was due to their support. When people were abandoned, it was because they were deemed unworthy. The benevolent person values himself and cherishes others. Those who have not yet reached this level still prioritize the well-being of their family. There is nothing greater than the love between parents and children, and there is nothing stronger than the love for descendants. The person of benevolence wants to establish themselves and help others. We can understand this through everyday examples: the harmonious resonance of precious jade, the exquisite craftsmanship of intricately woven silk, the urgency of the day and night, and the difficulty of dealing with complex problems. These examples demonstrate that there are no limits to the application of benevolence.

大闸蟹可不可以和牛肉一起吃 大闸蟹饮食忌讳
1、螃蟹和牛肉是可以一起吃的,这两样食物一起吃是不会产生相冲的。2、一般吃完螃蟹以后不要吃柿子,这两样一起吃会出现相冲。注意即使一起吃,也不要吃的太多,尤其是肠胃不好的人,不能够吃的太多螃蟹。因为螃蟹性寒,吃多了对于肠胃不好的人不好。大闸蟹可不可以和牛肉一起吃 大闸蟹饮食禁忌...
砂锅冬瓜炖鸡怎么做 砂锅冬瓜炖鸡的烹饪要领
1、食材:鸡肉约400克、冬瓜200克、姜4片、小葱两根。2、鸡肉事先用开水焯一下,洗净切小块。冬瓜切块,姜切片,小葱挽结。3、砂锅内冷水,放入鸡肉、小葱结、姜片,加盖大火煮开后转小火约一小时。4、放入冬瓜块,继续煲30分钟,煲至汤色转白,关火后加入葱花即可。砂锅冬瓜炖鸡怎样做 砂锅冬瓜炖鸡的烹饪技巧...
山阴有一道士如相见写的谁 山阴道士如相见是在说谁
1、“山阴有一道士如相见”写的是王羲之。2、该句原为“山阴道士如相见,应写黄庭换白鹅”,出自唐代诗人李白赠送给友人贺知章的一首七言绝句《送贺宾客归越》:“镜湖流水漾清波,狂客归舟逸兴多。山阴道士如相见,应写黄庭换白鹅。”山阴有一道士如相见写的谁 山阴道士如相见是在说谁...