袁隆平英语作文 袁隆平英语作文范文欣赏

2022-01-26 00:00:00 0 0 编辑:亿网科技有限公司 来源:本站原创

袁隆平英语作文 袁隆平英语作文范文欣赏


Yuan Longping is known as Chinas “father of hybrid rice”。 Its said that in China, we eat depending on “Two Ping” ---- Deng Xiaoping, who made the policy of System of Production Responsibility, & Yuan Longping, who invented hybrid rice. Yuan Longping, who was born in September, 1930, graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute.

He has been working on agriculture education & the research into hybrid rice since he left the institute. In the 1960s, when China was suffering serious famine, he came up with the idea of hybrid rice, which has a high yield. Ten years later, he succeeded in inventing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice. Yuan devoted himself to the research into agriculture, & was honored by UNESCO & FAO. Although he is 70 years old, he is still working on the research into agriculture.




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