Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and disappointment with the recent service that I received at your establishment. I am a regular customer and have always appreciated the quality of your products, but this recent experience has left me truly disappointed.
Firstly, the service I received from your staff members was extremely poor. They were unhelpful, rude, and demonstrated a clear lack of professionalism. Despite my requests for assistance, they seemed disinterested and unwilling to provide any form of customer service. This kind of behavior is unacceptable and reflected poorly on your establishment.
Furthermore, the product that I purchased did not meet the standard of quality that I have come to expect from your brand. The item was defective and did not perform as advertised. I was extremely disappointed to discover this, especially considering the reputation that your establishment holds.
Lastly, the overall cleanliness and organization of your establishment was far below par. The floors were dirty, the shelves were disorganized, and there was a general lack of attention to detail. It is disheartening to see such a decline in the standard of your establishment, especially since I have always regarded it highly.
I am writing this letter in the hopes that you will take my feedback seriously and address these issues promptly. As a loyal customer, I believe that it is important for you to be aware of the shortcomings that I have experienced. I expect a swift resolution to these problems and a guarantee that similar issues will not occur in the future.
I look forward to hearing from you and seeing measures taken to rectify these issues. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.
Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]
电话:173 1266 2225
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