I feel a distance growing inside of me
Growing inside my heart
Growing so much its keeping us apart
I feel resistance
Pulling you from my love
Holding you from my touch
Like nothing I do will ever be enough
Answer the question
Youre living lies
You lie to me
And I aint gonna take no more
Ive learned a lesson
So many nights
Now I can see
Youre not the one for me no no
You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
I feel your body
Slipping away from me
Further and out of reach
Gravity makes it hard for me to see
You keep me guessing
Standing on solid ground
When it crumbles Im falling down
Spinning because youre messin me around
Answer the question
Youre living lies
You lie to me
Youre not the one for me no no
You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
No you no longer love the same way
No you no you no you no
Same way
You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me
So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
You no longer speak the same stuff you used to say
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
You dont talk the talk you did when you wanted me
No you no longer love the same way
You no longer love the same way
So Im gone Im gone Im gone so Im gone
2、《Gone》是易烊千玺演唱的歌曲,Dimitri Tikovoi、Dave Gibson填词作曲,收录于易烊千玺2019年12月20日发行的专辑《温差感》中。

静待花开终有时是什么意思 静待花开终有时出自哪里呢
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