My hometown is abundant, beautiful scenery, known as prairie pearl, this place is beautiful in Inner Mongolia. It is a prairie town, though not nearly as great cities, like Beijing and Shanghai but with rare there is clean and beautiful. There are famous aobao mountain, the mountain have past temple, as if in a tin to introduce people to the history of the event. The grassland here is the most beautiful, green grassland, vast grasslands dotted with white sheep, herdsmen riding a horse on the grass singing aloud, all of which constitute a beautiful picture in the grassland. The herders in here are friendly and hospitable, honest is good, whenever a guest comes, they will take out the most delicious dairy products, entertaining and delicious koumiss, and grassland peoples warm wishes. The spring snow melt, all things recovery, everywhere a vibrant scene. The hot sun hot summer here, the water dried up; And the tall trees, leaving only a shade of such as cover, let people try to have a rest. The autumn grass fair here, the tea fragrance, golden leaves like a butterfly dancing in the woods. Here in winter snow, snow mountains everywhere and a piece of white. The children snowball fights, make a snowman and play with joy.
This is my hometown, and the beautiful in Inner Mongolia.

菜花腌制的方法 菜花如何腌制
1、花椰菜切小朵,用盐水泡1小时,洗净。2、泡好的花椰菜用一勺盐腌制,中途要不停翻拌,让每一朵花都均匀滴粘到盐,为的是让花椰菜软化质地脆韧,大约半天时间,再用水稍微冲洗掉盐份,最后一道要用冷开水或过滤水。淋干水份备用。3、放辣椒酱,醋,糖,香油,多寡依然是凭自己的喜好。4、装容器中。5、密封好,放冰箱1-2天。即可食用。菜花腌制的技巧 菜花怎样腌制...
槐花泡水喝的功效 槐花泡水喝的功效是什么
1、对心脑血管疾病具有良好的保护作用,可以减轻血管僵硬的症状。对于高血压,高脂血症患者有很好的预防作用。2、具有消炎镇痛作用。槐花水直接涂在伤口上具有止血作用。3、可治疗细菌性肠炎,痢疾等疾病。4、它可以缓解喉咙痛,红眼,口腔和舌头疼痛。槐花泡水喝的功效 槐花泡水喝的功效是什么...
黑米一般泡多久可以蒸米饭 黑米一般泡多久能蒸米饭
1、黑米一般泡3个小时就可以蒸米饭了。2、黑米是一种糙米,不经过浸泡就蒸米饭,蒸出来的黑米会比较硬,用水浸泡能松软黑米的外壳,让它吸收水分更容易煮烂。通过浸泡还能够有效把黑米当中的一些灰尘或者细菌去掉,食用起来更安全放心。黑米一般泡多久可以蒸米饭 黑米一般泡多久能蒸米饭...
空气中氧气含量多少呀 空气中氧气含量简介
1、氧气在空气中的含量约占21%,这个是在大气层比较稳定的情况下的占比。2、地球的大气层形成初期是不含氧气的,这里充满了甲烷、氨等气体,根本不适合生物生存。后来大气层氧气的出现才有了现在的生机,据说氧气最早出现是源于非生物参与的水的光解,还有一个是生物参与的光合作用。空气中氧气含量多少呀 空气中氧气含量介绍...
光遇小王子季如何玩 光遇小王子季怎么玩
1、首先就是商店里面的星球斗篷了,这个需要大家完成小王子季7个任务才可以点亮。2、然后就是穿上星球斗篷,通过图标触发星球传送。3、接着就可以去往小王子季的专属星球了。4、最后坐在飞机的主驾驶位可以开动飞机在星空翱翔。光遇小王子季怎么玩 光遇小王子季如何玩...